Wednesday, July 18

My Frankendolly Project, Part 4

This is the last part.  And the last post for today.

The final doll turned out really well, I thought, and it surprised me how much she's grown on me, because, normally, I'm not big on blonde haired dolls.  The next thing I'll tell you about her is that I named her Tamsyn, which is a variation of the Irish Gaelic Tamsen (meaning twin; sorry, I am fascinated by names).  This is what she looks like:

I chose this initial picture so that her outfit would be displayed, but it doesn't do justice to her face.  Here is a close up:

Looking out the window
When I look at this doll, I see a fair-haired kindred spirit to Daniela.  She strikes me as a doll who loves music, loves performing and has a unique style.  And it appears that she really likes blue.  And sneakers (trainers).  Like the tenth Doctor's.

Let's see how she looks with purple streaks:

Not bad
I might have to find her some purple outfits too.  She's already snagged the leopard print My Scene coat (with pink woolly tail and matching hat), a snakeskin skirt, a full length leotard (it might look good with the coat) and a purple eyelash tube top (remember, unique style).  The outfit she has on came from a Kira doll (Mattel) that also had a matching vinyl blow up chair (the chair is in storage with the other furniture, but I should get it out for her).

Maybe we can trade outfits...
Now is it me, or does this look like a girl band portrait?  I see these two as ready to rock.  All they need now is a name....

Hey...isn't that Bryan Adams over there?
She looks like a great bandmate for Daniela and an interesting newcomer to the Liv dolls that reside here.  Thanks for taking the time to look at today's rambling!

My Frankendolly Project, Part 3

I wasn't sure which doll to post next, as I really like the way each turned out.  I decided on this one:

Miette Genevieve
The photo really doesn't do her justice.  She is a really pretty doll in person.  And I figured that she would benefit from some classic outfits, like this one that I got years ago from eBay.

Taking a break

There is a nautical Barbie logo on the left leg, which explains the pose.  The top is ever so slightly too big, but the shorts fit perfectly.

Miette, I think, would look right at home at a sidewalk cafĂ© or on the slopes (all props that I can find).  And even though my youngest keeps calling her "Katie", this doll likes dresses, and would look fabulous in a Dior new look style, with a matching hat and her hair down, of course.  By the way, her name translates to (so I've read) small, sweet or a sweet little bite.

I just keep looking at this doll and her images, so I'm going to post this, and move on to the next.

My Frankendolly Project, Part 2

Waiting for her appointment
So, in my last post, I touched on the fact that I wanted a liv for hair! Katie, and the creation of Katie and Hayden.

Of course, in order to make those two dolls, I would need a few more volunteers.  This doll is one that was created from what was left.

When I looked at the assortment before me, I remembered that I had wondered why Alexis was given hazel eyes, rather than brown, so, I now have a brown-eyed African American doll.  But I didn't think I could call her Alexis...unfortunately, poor Alexis has suffered a bit of identity crisis with all of the skin tone variations she has AND her eyes are hazel.  It was obvious to me that she needed a new name.

Yes, I am Adeola

After some pondering (while deciding which wig, earrings and shoes she was going to have), I thought that Adeola suited her.  Doctor Who fans should recognize that name (Army of Ghosts)...all she needs now is a stylish updo and a smart suit.

Adeola did get Daniela's sandals, and in keeping with the dress theme, I found a little floral number that had a matching shrug from some (old) Mattel items.  Her hair is being held back with a miniature clip, which I think will stay, as I think the wig was in her face too much without it.

SO, what to you think?

Here she is after her appointment.  I have to work fast in this heat to capture the colour change in the wigs, which is why there are stray hairs in the picture.  This wig is stunning when it's fully changed.

I have yet to get a group shot of all six liv for hair! dolls, but I think it will have to wait until the temperature is cooler.

My Frankendolly Project, Part 1

I think I have mentioned somewhere in here that I like dolls, the type you can go to the toy store and buy.  My favourite has been Spin Master's Liv dolls, but the word is that they won't be available any longer.  Unfortunately for me (and the majority of my family who are Liv doll devotees), that leaves us in a bit of a pickle.

Christmas saw a number of liv for hair! spa dolls arrive here, and one of the devotees expressed some disappointment about Katie not being part of the line up.  Now while I understand that Katie is a tomboy and may not necessarily want to be slathered in cosmetics (at least that's the impression I get from the entry in her journal on Livworld), I'm sure she would endure a couple of hours of pampering to hang out with her friends.  After all, you can always wash it off!

Anyway, that thought got shuffled to the background until this spring, when Zeller's, a national retailer that was bought by Target, started their liquidation sales.  I realized that sale priced dolls meant that I could do a little experimenting and perhaps create a liv for hair! Katie and Hayden.

liv for hair! Hayden
liv for hair! Katie
The images show the results of my efforts, with the colour change.  Katie's eyes are a little crossed because the vinyl behind one eye tore a bit.  I think Hayden is going to have to see a stylist for her hair, because it does insist on being poufy.

Hayden is wearing Sophie's sandals and a cute little dress that I think was made by Mattel.  There are no tags in it, unfortunately, so I can't verify that at the moment.

Katie is not a dress girl.  I know she wore one in the dance (but with leggings) and she may have worn one in the school play (but of course, that was just on stage).  In my opinion, Katie isn't really a dress girl.  Yet.  So, she's wearing a cute crop t-shirt and white denim pants with gold thread trim.  She got Alexis' sandals and Daniela's belt, and the overall look is rather racy for Katie, but, she figures it's still better than a dress!

Overall though, for a first attempt at changing eyes, the process didn't go too badly.  I'm looking forward to future projects!