Wednesday, July 18

My Frankendolly Project, Part 4

This is the last part.  And the last post for today.

The final doll turned out really well, I thought, and it surprised me how much she's grown on me, because, normally, I'm not big on blonde haired dolls.  The next thing I'll tell you about her is that I named her Tamsyn, which is a variation of the Irish Gaelic Tamsen (meaning twin; sorry, I am fascinated by names).  This is what she looks like:

I chose this initial picture so that her outfit would be displayed, but it doesn't do justice to her face.  Here is a close up:

Looking out the window
When I look at this doll, I see a fair-haired kindred spirit to Daniela.  She strikes me as a doll who loves music, loves performing and has a unique style.  And it appears that she really likes blue.  And sneakers (trainers).  Like the tenth Doctor's.

Let's see how she looks with purple streaks:

Not bad
I might have to find her some purple outfits too.  She's already snagged the leopard print My Scene coat (with pink woolly tail and matching hat), a snakeskin skirt, a full length leotard (it might look good with the coat) and a purple eyelash tube top (remember, unique style).  The outfit she has on came from a Kira doll (Mattel) that also had a matching vinyl blow up chair (the chair is in storage with the other furniture, but I should get it out for her).

Maybe we can trade outfits...
Now is it me, or does this look like a girl band portrait?  I see these two as ready to rock.  All they need now is a name....

Hey...isn't that Bryan Adams over there?
She looks like a great bandmate for Daniela and an interesting newcomer to the Liv dolls that reside here.  Thanks for taking the time to look at today's rambling!

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